Our Mission
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Memory Benches
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Team Edna - Our Mission

The Team Edna Mission

We are an organization raising money to gift granite memory benches to families who have lost a child to cancer.

Team Edna started as a cycling team at PanMass Challenge. We were so moved by the many stories and families impacted by cancer that we began this charitable organization. After the first memory bench was delivered, we realized it was our mission. Our commitment to provide this gift to families is personal. We experienced the benefits first hand. A memory bench helps loved ones deal with profound sadness and loss and carries so much meaning and emotion to everyone involved.

We have begun fundraising and look forward to creating a cycling team to help us raise even more money.

As with all new ventures, we can’t do it alone and appreciate your interest in supporting our mission. I will be in touch in the coming months with more information and more news.

Thank you again


The Team Edna Blog



Team Edna started as a father and son cycling team to raise money for cancer. They named their bikes and their team, Edna, in honor of the mother/grandmother that they lost many years earlier.

The duo signed up for the largest cycling event they could find. During the ride, they were moved by the experience, the mission, the families, the signage, and the children along the route. Shortly thereafter, Team Edna became a non-profit with a mission to gift granite memory benches to families in honor of children lost to cancer. Team Edna’s tagline “Push ME forward” honors Edna and her loving husband, Merton. Their initials, M and E, make the ME in Push ME Forward and the M and E in MEmory bench.

Merton ‘Mike’ and Edna ‘Sis’ fell in love, married, and had 6 children before Edna was taken at 45 years old by cancer. They both had a deep dedication and love for their children, their church, and their community.

Since we launched in 2021, our organization has been met with great enthusiasm. We are humbled at how quickly businesses, community leaders, volunteers, and cyclists have stepped in to help Push ME Forward.

To become part of our ongoing story, visit the Get Involved page on our website.

The Team Edna Story

Upcoming events

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events at this time.

Team Edna Cycling/Training Schedule

April 1 – November 1 • Every Wednesday Evening
